Cancellation conditions & travel insurance
European travel insurance
Start your holiday safely.
We recommend taking out travel insurance with Europäische Reiseversicherung .
Cancellation conditions - Austrian Hotel Regulations
MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: If an arrival is not possible due to official COVID-19 regulations or the hotel is closed, you will never incur cancellation costs. In this case we will transfer your deposit back or make a free rebooking.
Please note: In general, cancellations of reservations are only accepted in writing.
The Austrian hotel contract conditions apply:
- up to 3 months before the day of arrival free of charge
- 3 months to 1 month before the day of arrival 40% of the total package price
- 1 month to 7 days before the day of arrival 70& of the total package price
- In the last week before the day of arrival or late arrival 90% of the package price
- In the event of early departure: 100% of the package price
Austrian hotel contract conditions
In your own interest, you can sign a travel cancellation policy here